BEST way to Get FIT!

Talk to 10 people and you’ll get 10 different opinions on the best way to get fit.

One will tell you to attend an aerobics class. Another will swear by jogging.  Yet another will tell you that dance and biking worked for them.

The truth is that there’s really only one effective way to get fit. 


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5 Side Effects of Fat Loss

You know how every pharmaceutical commercial ends with a laundry list of possible side effects? The ailments that we could possibly experience if we take it are silently weighed against the possible benefits of the drug. Well, turns out that exercise and good nutrition also come with a laundry list of side effects… My hope…

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I know you cheat…

…on your diet. We live in society where food temptations are everywhere. Walk through a store and you’ll see the unhealthy food items displayed front and center. Turn on the TV and you’ll be assaulted with commercials for fattening foods. Open a magazine and you’ll notice glossy pin-ups of sugary snacks. Go down the street…

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~By Sheila Garcia For a long time, we’ve been told otherwise, so the idea that fat can be good for you is hard to swallow; but – it’s true!  Are you eating the right type of fat? There are good fats and bad fats to look for when making healthy decisions about what you are eating.Fat Facts: What’s…

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Fit & Pregnant: Knowing When To Push & When To Slow Down

~By Coach Amber Recently, I’ve been asked quite a bit if I’m slowing down my exercise routine, or if I have to slow down or stop any particular exercises now that I’m carrying a baby.  I’m sure there are other mothers-to-be out there with the same questions as they work out so below are some…

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Super Gasser

Cones are set at each of the distances below. For Round 1, run to the cone and perform the exercise back to the starting cone. Short rests once you return to the starting spot is acceptable but keep it to 30 seconds; 2 minute rest in between rounds. Round 2, sprint to the cones and…

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