Dirty Mouth? Clean it Up!

~By Sheila Garcia

Did you know that a healthy body is not only accomplished through exercise and eating well? Working out helps keep your body fit on the outside. But what’s happening on the inside? How healthy is your heart? Your internal organs? Your teeth? Wait a minute. TEETH?!? What could that possibly have to do with staying fit?

You probably don’t think about your teeth that much unless you drink something ice-cold or super-hot, or that postcard reminding you to schedule your next dental appointment shows up in your mailbox. You should really give your pearly whites more attention! Your teeth are one of the first things people see when you smile, when you greet them, or when you’re talking to them, and your oral health can have a major impact on the health of not only your mouth, but your ENTIRE BODY. Cavities and gum disease may contribute to many serious conditions, including heart attack and stroke, and diabetes and respiratory diseases. Untreated cavities can not only be painful, but they can also lead to serious infections throughout the rest of your body, including your organs.

So how do your teeth have such an impact on your well-being and fitness lifestyle, and how do you stay healthy by focusing on your mouth?  Here’s a guide to what you need to know about your oral health, and how to keep your mouth and teeth clean and beautiful!

Tips to Keep Your Mouth Happy & Your Body Healthy:

*Your Momma Was Right! Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily. This keeps plaque at bay, improves your breath and prevents stains. Here is a little side-note: a study published in the British Medical Journal found that people who brushed twice a day were 30% less likely to develop heart disease compared to people who only brushed once. That’s because, according to health experts, gum disease can lead to inflammation and can damage your arteries!

*Eat Your Veggies! Don’t eat junk food, and stay away from sweets. Overall poor nutrition can contribute to gum disease and can have other long-term effects on your mouth, and on your hips!

*Tongue in Cheek. Cleaning your tongue, especially the back part, gives you an opportunity to rid yourself of what’s probably the largest refuge of odor-producing bacteria in your mouth. This bacteria can lead to gum disease, which can have a direct impact on your internal organs such as your heart and liver. To help eliminate this bacteria (and bad breath!), take some time to scrape your tongue each time you brush.

*Smoke Out. If you smoke, quit. If heart and lung disease wasn’t enough reason to stop smoking, tobacco can suppress the body’s immune system, reducing its ability to fight infection. Smoking also limits the growth of blood vessels, slowing the healing of damaged gum tissue.

*What’s Up, Doc? Visit your regular or holistic dentist twice a year to make sure everything is in tip-top shape!

Having healthy teeth isn’t just about looking great (although that’s definitely a bonus!). Good oral health is really about your body’s overall wellness and your fitness lifestyle legacy.

So brush right, brush often and take care of those teeth!